Facial Acupuncture
Call (818) 424-0958 to schedule a free consultation
Call (818) 424-0958 to schedule a free consultation
Beauty comes from within. Facial Acupuncture or “cosmetic acupuncture” is an Ancient traditional treatment that is non-invasive that helps to improve skin, fighting aging process as an alternative to conventional procedures.
By placing ultra super tiny needles into specific areas of the face or body, there is an increase of blood flow and collagen resulting in a beautiful natural glow and an uplifted youthful appearance
It depends on each individual’s goal, age, and skin condition. Typically improvements may start showing after just 5 sessions but it is recommended 10 sessions, with treatments twice a week for 5 weeks. Multiple sessions close together will give best results.
Acupuncture helps to strengthen women’s organs and immune system.
Acupuncture balances hormones and harmonizes organs and emotions.
Acupuncture strengthens your immune function.