Acupuncture Injection Therapy
Call (818) 424-0958 to schedule a free consultation
Call (818) 424-0958 to schedule a free consultation
Acupuncture Injection Therapy (AIT) is an advanced form of acupuncture that utilizes therapeutic botanical and homeopathic injectable fluids into acupuncture points, thus blending the best of Traditional Chinese Medicine with homeopathic medicine.
This technique involves small amounts of homeopathic solution administered by a qualified Acupuncturist who is certified and trained in this procedure. This therapy has evolved from standard Acupuncture and has been practiced in China for many years. This is a very effective treatment as this therapy enhances and stimulates acupuncture points treating a variety of conditions that may have been previously considered difficult to treat.
By stimulating powerful acupuncture points, with proven natural substances such as homeopathic medicine, vitamins and minerals, the body gets affected in a much deeper level creating an internal healing climate.
Acupuncture Injection Therapy helps to release pathogens, pain and inflammation from the physical and emotional levels within the body.
AIT helps to balance your Physical, Emotional bodies.
Acupuncture Injection Therapy nourishes and strengthens your immune function through Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Homeopathic solutions giving your body the proper nutrients it needs.